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The principles Of Graphic Design

Graphic Design Principles. Principles of Graphic Design. The principles Of Graphic Design
Vishal Shaw
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Graphic Design Principles.

Graphic design is the art of visual communication, combining typography, images, and layout to deliver a message. Good design is founded on some fundamental principles. Let's now investigate the main principles to be followed in creating successful designs.


  • Balance

  • Contrast

  • Emphasis

  • Repetition

  • Alignment

  • Proximity


Balance means design elements are distributed evenly. It can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Symmetrical design creates a more formal and orderly look, but asymmetrical design makes it more dynamic and interesting.


Contrast makes your elements distinguishable. Carefully choosing contrasting colors, sizes, and fonts allows the eyes to automatically fly to the essential information.


  • Do use a grid to organize elements
  • Do maintain visual hierarchy for clarity
  • Do Select easily readable fonts
  • Do ensure color harmony
  • Do use the space around elements sensibly to prevent clutter


  • Don’t overdo it with lots of fonts and colors
  • Don’t overcrowd your layout
  • Don’t ignore reading comfort


Typography is the most significant aspect when it comes to setting the tone in a visual design. Utilize fonts that share a good mood and are also visible across different devices.


Colors not only have the ability to bring out emotions, but they also work as a tool for creating an atmosphere. Acquire a good understanding of color theory that can help you in selecting palettes that are connected to your message and the audience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Organize elements by placing them in alignment
  • The usage of contrasts helps in the highlight of crucial points
  • Typography and color are two factors that must be taken into account
  • Harmony is a product of balance between colors, and how they interact with each other.
  • Proximity is the principle of grouping related items near each other.
  • Don't

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